For those new to USA Volleyball officiating, the first step is to find and contact local Officials Assoc or USAV Alaska Region Officials Chair.
After contacting the appropriate chair from your region, your certification process with USA Volleyball will get underway.
Each region has its own process, but in most cases, you will need to take a clinic (in person or online through USA Volleyball Academy USAV Academy and take an exam in person or online, and be evaluated as a referee or scorer. If you plan on working with juniors, you will need to pass a background screening. Your regional personnel will guide you through the process for your region. Get started today!.
2025 USA volleyball officials training will be held at the ASA office 2464 E tudor Rd Anchorage 99508 on Thursday 2 Jan at 6PM & 8PM. This training is USAV certification to officiate USA adult league & USA Juniors.
HS training is noramally held in early August. Officials will need to attend one of the training sessions for the upcoming fall HS season.
Also, HS Registration with ASAA is changing a bit this year, they will be using Arbitor for registration and testing. They are hoping to have the site link set up by the end of the month (June) so please be looking for information on the opening and instructions on how to register.
An overview is:
You will go to the ASAA website. Click on the link to register and it will take you to the Arbitor site.
You will either need to set up a new account or log into your current account. We have some folks already registered in there because they worked NCAA matches in past seasons.
Once you get set up/logged in, you should see ASAA listed as an organization for you to register
You will pay for your membership there and we believe you will have access to the test from this same site.
Books will be sent out direct from ASAA after you are registered.
Of course, all of this information is a work in progress, so please be bendy flexy (a Julie term 🙂 )to a few minor changes should they arise.

Alaska Volleyball Officials
There are numerous Volleyball (USAV & NFHS) Official Associations around state of Alaska in local communities. Each of the associations works together to help each other out to cover certified official shortages. Official have the opportunity to officiate at various levels as R1, R2 and line judges for College, Adult league, USAV Juniors, High School and Middle School. Some helpful links are listed below.
Arbiter Sports Scheduler
Alaska School Activities Assoc ASAA
Anchorage Volleyball Official Assoc AVOA
Fairbanks Volleyball Official Assoc via Fairbanks Volleyball Assoc
Peninsula Volleyball Official Assoc ?
Professional Assoc of Volleyball Officials PAVO
Valley (Mat-Su) Volleyball Officials contact Bob Frost
Next Steps...